Thursday, June 12, 2008

One Year Old!

Alex is a year old! In some ways, that's hard to believe. In others, it really isn't. We've had such a busy year-- interviewing for jobs, buying/building a house in Orlando, leaving P'cola, moving into the new house, adjusting to a new job, adjusting to being a stay-at-home mom, etc.-- that it seems like a long time.

I feel really blessed that Alex has continued to thrive throughout all these changes. He is quite a fun little guy these days. He is walking pretty well, even turning and spinning today. He has a really remarkable vocabulary of one syllable words. I'd say there are 40 and he adds at least one new one everyday. (Mom is still not one, by the way. I guess I'm not as important as cheese or balloons.) And, he has quite a funny little personality. He's very loving and likes to give hugs and kisses. But, he's also a product of his parents; so, when he makes up his mind about something he wants, watch out!

Before Alex's birthday, Dennis and I celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary with a getaway to The Dunes, off the coast of Charleston, SC. It was lovely! The place is great and we really enjoyed all the resort amenities. For me, though, the most relaxing part was sleeping late in the mornings and napping every afternoon on my own schedule. We were able to do the trip because Mom and Dad were good enough to keep Alex 4 nights. He had a ball, of course, playing with Grandma, Grandpa and Abuelita. He even came back with some improved manners! I'm thinking of sending him to stay with them once a month for a refresher course. :)

The pix here are Alex on the day he turned one, playing with balloons sent by Grandma Mi Mi. What a hit! Oh, and one of the face Alex makes when he's "asking" me for something.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Better Late . . .

I can't believe it's been a month since I've posted to this blog! Man, how time flies when you're chasing a 10-month old.

Here's the low-down on what's up with us:

We've had visitors galore and loved having them all, especially cousin Sarah. The kids played together a ton. Sarah still pushes Alex around, but it's all in good fun. And, it's teaching Alex to grow a thicker skin. We figure that one day, HE'LL be bigger than HER; and, turnabout is fair play.

The Bean is a little chatterbox, if you can decode his language. He has sounds that approximate words for "dad, dog, duck, hi, bye, book and truck." He asks for books all the time, both by saying, "boo" and by physically forcing them on us. He can tell us that the sheep says "bah" and the cow says "moo." "Mom" does not seem to be in the vocabulary. But, he does clap when I come into a room; and he points at me from his high chair like he's some kind of rock star, and I'm a special fan. I'll take it!

Alex has grown up so much, just this week. We're done with the bottles now, as he's drinking his milk (and all other liquids) from a cup. I'm thrilled, as this liberates me a little.

Dennis is still happy at his new practice, and we're spending our weekends doing fun Orlando stuff-- the farmers' market, a garden tour, eating out (last week was brunch at a snooty French restaurant that didn't have high chairs and Alex showed them why they should-- food all over the sidewalk), and taking walks and bike rides.

Pix are of the Drurys' visit, including Sarah's first birthday, and His Highness in his chariots.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Live and Learn

We're figuring some things out around here. Alex is learning that he can (sometimes) get himself out of the predicaments he creates. Tilt your head left and see the video.

I am learning that peanut butter sandwiches can provide sufficient nutrition and will satisfy Alex (and, hence, Mommy) at every meal. See the photo.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bonnie & Clyde have nothing on him!

Alex has taken to stealing things.

Armed only with a devilish grin, he has used his walker as a get away car after stealing spoons out of the dishwasher, the remote control off of the coffee table, and Lili's toy right out of her mouth. This afternoon, after his nap, I found a ball point pen in his crib-- pickpocketed from his father's scrubs, no doubt!

He usually brandishes his prize high in the air. But, even when he's hiding it (as he always does with the remote control), he gives himself away. He can't stop laughing once he's absconded with the item!

What a rascal!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The New Toy

Alex is having a big time playing on his new fire engine that his babysitter Patricia brought him. He thinks it is just great-- almost as good as a phone or a remote control. :)

Uh, Mom, can I get a little help here?

Alex has been finding himself stuck in the most inconvenient places lately.

I love the picture of him getting a toy out of the basket. It reminds me of a scene in Winnie the Pooh, the one where Pooh is stuck 1/2 in and 1/2 out of his den.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Can this really be the same boy?!

Food Fight!

This picture shows how both Alex and I felt this evening after his dinner. Apparently, we have different points of view on whether a boy can live on sweet potatoes alone. I think he should try some other things. He disagrees.

After dinner this evening, he looked worse than I did; but both our egos were challenged.

Who do you think will win this little war? I'd recommend that you consider buying futures in sweet potatoes. I am.

Monday, February 18, 2008

And, We're Back ...

I know you've been wondering where we've been. Anywhere and everywhere is the answer.

The movers packed us out of Pensacola Jan. 2-5. Dennis started work the next Monday in Orlando. Alex, Lili and I hit the road-- we visited Aunt Kathy, Uncle Dan and Sarah and spent 3 full weeks at the Garcia Grandparents' rental house in SC. During that time, we also visited Dennis in Orlando for a long weekend. At the end of the three weeks, when our house was finally ready, the three of us made the drive from SC to Orlando, stopping along the way to visit our cousin Hilary and her dog Lily.

We've been in the house now almost three weeks. We made incredible progress unpacking during the first week, due much to a week-long visit by Grandma Garcia. She washed every glass, china or ceramic object in the house. Those of you who know me know that's quite a feat! And, she held a baby a good part of the day everyday too. Thanks, Mom! Since Mom left, though, things have kind of stalled out. It's hard to get much done between bottles, meals, diaper changes & chasing a crawler.

We have made progress on the social front-- we're attending church and have met some really nice neighbors. Alex and I are regulars at the playground a block from our house. And, we start swim lessons this evening.

I'm attaching a few pictures of the last two months. The first is of our last day in Pensacola. The second of Alex's reaction on moving day, when the movers unloaded his Exersaucer. The last two are of what we're doing these days-- going to the park and playing with Lili.