Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bonnie & Clyde have nothing on him!

Alex has taken to stealing things.

Armed only with a devilish grin, he has used his walker as a get away car after stealing spoons out of the dishwasher, the remote control off of the coffee table, and Lili's toy right out of her mouth. This afternoon, after his nap, I found a ball point pen in his crib-- pickpocketed from his father's scrubs, no doubt!

He usually brandishes his prize high in the air. But, even when he's hiding it (as he always does with the remote control), he gives himself away. He can't stop laughing once he's absconded with the item!

What a rascal!

1 comment:

Rhonda Case said...

Just wait until he walks off with his treasures. You will never find them again!!!!!