Thursday, October 18, 2007

We Are Family

We spent a week at the beginning of October visiting with the Drury and Garcia families. Alex had a great time seeing his cousin Sarah. It was the first time he really noticed her, and the two of them laughed a lot together. Alex also loved playing with Sarah's toys (for some reason, these are much more interesting than his own) and having "happy hour" outside (in the exersaucer) with Sarah (in the walker), his mom, dad, aunt and uncle.

Alex also enjoyed the attention he got from Grandma, Grandpa and Abuelita. In fact, starting on the second day we were at their house and for several days after we returned home, he was unable to be in a room by himself without fussing. Apparently, they are spoiling him already. I guess that's their job. :)

I'm attaching some photos of Alex with his grandparents-- playing at their house and enjoying a picnic by Lake Keeowee.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Now, That's Love

I was folding Alex's laundry last week (before the cast came off, even) and started thinking that I was really enjoying it. And, it wasn't even special laundry-- no dress outfits or anything, just a bunch of tiny, blue, stretchy onesies and pjs and more burp rags than you can imagine.

Then I started thinking that a mother's love is really amazing. I mean, you really have to love someone to the depths of your soul to enjoy folding their laundry, especially when you did it yesterday and will do it again tomorrow.

What a wonderful experience being a mom is. :)


That's Dennis's new nickname for me. That's because, four weeks ago, I fell and broke my pinky finger. It's quite a story-- one for the baby book.

As many of you know, I had a hard time breastfeeding. We won't go into the details-- it was just a really bad experience for me. Anyway, when Alex turned 3 mos., I cut myself a break and decided we were done once and for all with the breastfeeding. As a result, I returned my rented breastpump to Baptist Hospital. Feeling footloose and fancy free, I nearly skipped out of the place. And that's when I tripped and fell, over a bike rack, and broke my finger. BREASTFEEDING'S LAST REVENGE!

Now, you say, "What's the big deal? It's just a pinky finger." Ah, yes, and one would think that you'd have it taped to the next finger for a while. Maybe 2 weeks? No, I managed to break it in a way that required a full cast, up to my elbow, with the pinky and next finger immobilized at a 90 degree angle to the palm. For 3 full weeks. VERY CONVENIENT for caring for a 3-month-old.

Anyway, I made it through. I got creative with the diapering and feeding, and Dennis did all the baby bathing. The cast came off last week, and I'm in a removable splint. This means I'm finally able to shower again (I hear the Hallelujahs from all my friends and family) and to blog. So, there will be more entries coming.

Just thought I'd explain where I've been all this time . . .