Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thank You Mr. Bjorn!

We've had a challenging but rewarding week. We're learning what Alex likes (to be held, to ride in the stroller, to be outside, and to have baths) and what he doesn't (to lie down by himself, to have his diaper changed, and generally everything else, so far). We're both happier since I decided that, even if he isn't 8lbs. yet, he's riding in the Baby Bjorn. He thinks he's being held, and I get two hands to do things with.

An aside-- Those damn lawyers will put safety labels on anything! Instead, they should have Moms write the labels-- only real safety concerns would be identified. And labels would identify things you CAN do, not just things you SHOULDN'T. For example, pacifiers would come with a label that says, "If you blow on this after it falls on the floor, you can put it back in your child's mouth." And, the portable swing would say, "If you decide to move this swing while your child is sleeping in it (forbidden by the lawyers), use both hands."

I must brag that the child is a good night sleeper. In fact, I've decided he's just like his father-- won't go to bed until 10:30 but wants to sleep all morning. I had to wake him at 8:30 a.m. to nurse!

We had some good tummy time this morning. I'm attaching photos.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

We Emerge (In More Ways than One)!

It's been a while since the last post, and I hope that most of you have heard or assumed by now that is because The Bean was born.

Alexander Peyton Szurkus made his arrival on his due date, June 9, at 10:57 a.m. He weighed in at 7 lbs., 10 oz. and was 20 inches long. He has a lot of curly black hair and huge blue eyes (Dennis's friends at the hospital are calling him Mini Me because he looks so much like D). And, he started proving right away that he has a healthy pair of lungs!

We had a very nice (and short) hospital stay. All the gang at Naval Hospital Pensacola was super to us, but we wanted to be home. So, we packed up the next day and were home in time for lunch.

Kristina's mom, dad and Abuelita arrived while Alex and Kristina were still in the hospital. Grandpa and Great Grandma stayed for just a couple of days; but Grandma is still here, helping with the rocking, cooking, laundry, etc.

It's hard to believe it's been a whole week. But, it's easy to see that our lives have been changed by this beautiful baby boy.

Photos attached. More later . . .

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


I swear that word was invented by a pregnant woman. It's probably the most frequent thing out of my mouth these days. I hoist myself into the car-- "Oof!" I heave myself into bed-- "Oof!" I get up the energy to turn over in bed-- double "Oof!"

Poor Dennis has been listening to my bellyaching (literally) since Sunday when my patience officially ran out with The Bean and his interminable residence in my abdomen. He isn't even born yet, and he refuses to listen to my instructions ("Get out now! Your tenancy is terminated!"). This does not portend well for the next 18 years, does it?

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Come on out, Bean!

Well, another weekend has almost passed us by. And, I'm still pregnant. I guess this is good as I can now say that Dennis is not the only one who is ready. I'm definitely on board now.

There is no more laundry to do, no more tiny clothes to store away, no more thank you notes to write, no more bags to pack. There isn't even a car to wash or gas up. I've done it all. The nest is finished. Now, we just need the baby bird.