I can't believe it's been a month since I've posted to this blog! Man, how time flies when you're chasing a 10-month old.
Here's the low-down on what's up with us:
We've had visitors galore and loved having them all, especially cousin Sarah. The kids played together a ton. Sarah still pushes Alex around, but it's all in good fun. And, it's teaching Alex to grow a thicker skin. We figure that one day, HE'LL be bigger than HER; and, turnabout is fair play.
The Bean is a little chatterbox, if you can decode his language. He has sounds that approximate words for "dad, dog, duck, hi, bye, book and truck." He asks for books all the time, both by saying, "boo" and by physically forcing them on us. He can tell us that the sheep says "bah" and the cow says "moo." "Mom" does not seem to be in the vocabulary. But, he does clap when I come into a room; and he points at me from his high chair like he's some kind of rock star, and I'm a special fan. I'll take it!
Alex has grown up so much, just this week. We're done with the bottles now, as he's drinking his milk (and all other liquids) from a cup. I'm thrilled, as this liberates me a little.
Dennis is still happy at his new practice, and we're spending our weekends doing fun Orlando stuff-- the farmers' market, a garden tour, eating out (last week was brunch at a snooty French restaurant that didn't have high chairs and Alex showed them why they should-- food all over the sidewalk), and taking walks and bike rides.
Pix are of the Drurys' visit, including Sarah's first birthday, and His Highness in his chariots.
1 comment:
Welcome back! I was going through Alex withdrawl. I have to get my little boy fix somewhere.
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