Well, it's been an eventful year. Alex's birth, Dennis leaving the Navy, and now the pending move to Orlando. We are so blessed to have had so many positive changes this year. We're exhilirated by them (and tired too).
We had a great December-- a couple of weeks at home together in Pensacola after Dennis finished at the hospital; then a great trip to the Beaches Boscobel resort in Jamaica where Alex had a great time in the pool and Dennis and I were able to get certified as PADI scuba divers; then good family time with the Garcia clan at Aunt Kathy & Uncle Dan's house over Christmas.
Alex is really developing quite a personality. He laughs a lot and wants our attention all the time. We had the first indication that he understands words the other day when we started a new game. Dennis or I says, "Stand Up!" and he pulls up on our fingers to a standing position. We say, "Sit Down!" and he bends his knees to sit on our lap. We're getting lots of laughs out of our little game, and I am so excited to see that he understands some words.
The movers come Wed., Jan. 2 to start packing us out, so our time in P'cola is really short. I'm conflicted about that-- happy to start the new life but melancholy about leaving our friends here.
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