Here's a list of Alex's favorite things:
1. The "BMW of Swings," a pricey side-to-side model with music, a mobile and a mirror. He tried this out at Aunt Kathy's house and HAD to have one. I initially resisted, because of the price, but I'm now convinced it was the second best $100 we ever spent. (What's the best $100 we ever spent, you ask? It is part of the best $1,000 we ever spent-- to hire a lawyer to demonstrate to the Navy that Dennis's obligated service was up.)
2. The "Pink Pig And Friends," animals attached to a brightly colored vibrating chair. The Bean likes to swat at the pig and make it rattle. This was a gift from Connie Thompson, who said on the card that it should allow me to get a shower. She was right, as per usual.
3. The Stroller-- really any stroller-- he loves the motion. And, since I've added El Pato Pasqualito as something for him to stare at while we move, it's practically heaven. Pasqualito, by the way, speaks only Spanish (thank you, Kathy, for the idea.).
4. Swimming. He loves the feel of the water on his skin and is practicing kicking his legs while I drag him toward me. He smiles big and laughs (no sound) until he's exhausted and has to go back in the stroller for a nap.
Come to think of it, Alex's favorites and my favorites are the same-- Gee, I wonder why?!
1 comment:
I'm so glad that you're discovering the things that can keep him occupied and give you a little break. Who would have thought that you'd have to invest so much time into an infant? I used to think that they'd sleep most of the day. But not one of my three children ever slept more than 2 hours over the course of an entire day (20-minute cat naps 4 times a day). It's truly exhausting and EVERY mom deserves the Mother of the Year award.
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