Friday, November 30, 2007


Today is Dennis's last day at work in the Navy. What a big change. He seems nonchalant about it, but I think it's worth noting. After all, it's been almost 10 years that we've been living this military life. We've had 6 residences (including the 3 in San Diego), and lived in two foreign countries. We've seen much of Europe, Kenya, and Egypt. And we've made some incredible friends. We are so lucky to have friends all over now. I can't wait for them to bring their kids to see Disney and visit us in Orlando!

We'll be moving away from Pensacola in early Jan. Dennis will start work in Orlando on 1/7. Alex and I will arrive there shortly before the closing on our new home.

In other news, Alex is working on his first tooth. I was surprised by its emergence, as it seems a little early to me. And, it makes me a little sad. I want to see that toothless grin for a while longer. :)

The pictures today are of what we've been doing lately-- just hanging around the house playing.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Busy Little Boy

Alex has been super busy over the last couple of weeks.

First, it was Halloween. He spent the day dressed as "Mummy's Little Pumpkin," attending Mom & Me exercise class and playing in his exersaucer (his favorite toy these days). Then, in the evening, he sat on the front porch with Mommy and gave out the candy to the other neighborhood kids. Dad was on call at the hospital, so we decided not to trick-or-treat this year. Besides, it's difficult to get that in when you have to be in bed by 7 p.m.

Just after Halloween, we drove to Orlando as a family to look for a house in what will be our new home city. We're really excited, as we found a new construction home in Baldwin Park. It should be finished by mid-Jan, and we'll move in ASAP. Baldwin Park is a planned community built on the former NTC grounds near downtown Orlando and Winter Park. We love the neighborhood-- miles of running/walking/biking trails, parks, pools, and a commercial center with restaurants, shops and a Publix to which we can bike! It can be seen at And the house is plenty big enough for a long stay (not another 3-year stint, please!). On that website, our plan is the Halsey Craftsman.

By the time we returned from Orlando, Alex had really grown up! He is sleeping through the night consistently and sat up yesterday! He's very proud of himself, and we're real excited to see our little boy acting so big!